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  • Writer's pictureAna and Stephanie

Polish Women are Raising Their Voices Against the Law

Updated: Dec 10, 2018

With Women's movements spreading rapidly, there have already been many changes occurring within communities and law makers around the world. Women are using their voices in person and within media to demand attention and action towards problems that they have been facing for centuries.

Protest against abortion laws in Poland. Banner reads "Abortion means life" Photo: Aborcyjny Dream Team Facebook; Copyright M. Laskowska

By Stephanie Harris

As of 1990, women have been facing a never ending struggle regarding their right to safe abortions. After almost thirty years, Polish women are starting to find new openness and willingness to share their experiences. Groups like Aborcyjny Dream Team are creating spaces for women who have gone through experiences with abortion to share their stories.

Young women who have always grown up with these restrictive laws have a sort of lack of perspective when it comes to freedom. But many of the women who are participating and sharing their stories know what it was like before the law was passed and are trying to encourage younger women to fight for their rights to safe abortions.

Natalia Przybysz and Karolina Wieckiewicz, founders of Aborcyjny Dream Team, are some of the many women who have decided to create these safe spaces. With the help of Facebook, they have been able to make themselves available to every women in Poland. As they describe, Aborcyjny Dream Team is a “new way of activism”.

“I really believe that when you start talking about your experience, something good happens.”- Natalia Przybysz

The Dream Team is also trying to spread the idea of supporting women to everyone in Poland regardless of age, sex and experience. As Natalia pointed out, “You don't have to have experience with abortion to understand it.”

Karolina and Natalia have started to hold events throughout Poland in order to spread their message, and they have started to see a great number of people participate and support them. This past year, Aborcyjny Dream Team held an event with the slogan ‘Abortion means Lifes’. Around 3,000 people showed up and supported them.

As more and more people create and support groups like Aborcyjny Dream Team, there is bound to be a drastic change in the way Polish society treats women and their rights.

"We're here to help women without judgement. We don't care if they call us criminals.”-Karolina Wieckiewicz

A project for the Danish School of Media (DMJX)

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